When considering a security system for your business or an upgrade to an existing system,…

8 Ways to Improve Security in the Workplace
You need to keep your workplace safe, and your first priority is your employees. Other security considerations are related to your facilities, technology, records, and intellectual property. Without a comprehensive security plan, your business is at risk. This article will advise you on ways to improve your workplace security.
1. Be Aware of Who Is on Your Site
Security in the workplace depends on you knowing who is in your facility at all times and why they are there. It’s vital to screen all visitors to ensure they meet your criteria for entrance. Inform your front desk personnel on what to do if someone undesirable shows up and advise them daily on who to expect. They should keep a comprehensive log containing information about the time and purpose of each visit and visitor contact information.
2. Grant Different and Appropriate Access Rights
Visitors come to your facility for any number of reasons, and access rights should vary accordingly. For instance:
- A worker called in to fix the elevator may only need to work in your lobby.
- A job candidate arriving for an interview may only need access to your lobby and one meeting room.
- Visiting executives may need access to your entire space.
Some other technological measures you can consider:
- Electrified locks mounted in door frames to help restrict access to particular sections of your workplace.
- Contactless smart cards for access to restricted areas. If security is compromised, you only need to change the access control system.
- Biometrics, such as hand geometry readers, fingerprint scanners, and retina scanners.
3. Invest in a Top-Rated Surveillance System
Physical security systems involving cameras and alarms are an important defense against bad actors. Video cameras provide evidence should an unwanted incident occur, and alarms draw attention to unauthorized intruders. A first-class surveillance apparatus will record clear audio and visual happenings. It will also connect with your overall security system to alert authorities when suspicious activity is detected.
A workplace surveillance system will also act as a deterrent. Put up signs around your facility to advertise the fact that your business is secure and being monitored. Potential intruders are more likely to target inadequately defended workplaces, so maintain your premises with the latest technology, and hopefully, you won’t have any problems.
- Consider installing a backup security system to maintain the integrity of your security if your primary system is overcome by an electrical outage, sabotage, or other happenings.
- Don’t overlook security lighting. Lighting should effectively illuminate high-risk areas, especially parking lots, alleys, and outbuildings.
4. Install a State-of-the-Art Fire Detection and Alarm System
Early detection is an essential component of an effective fire protection system. You need a fire alarm system that is designed to prevent premature component failures and false alarms. At the same time, your system should be able to detect smoke in its beginning stage, warn occupants of an imminent fire, and drastically reduce response time. The latest technology includes air sampling for other hazards, such as gas and carbon monoxide.
5. Cybersecurity Depends on Strong Physical Security
Lapses in the physical security of your premises can expose sensitive company data to identity theft, leading to potentially serious consequences. For instance:
- An employee forgets to pick up his briefcase containing a flash drive from a coffeehouse table. When returning hours later to retrieve it, the drive — containing hundreds of social security numbers — is gone.
- An employee in your accounting department throws a pile of old company bank records into a trash can. A criminal (maybe posing as an office cleaner) finds them after business hours.
- A burglar makes off with computers and files from your office after entering through an unlocked window.
Don’t let digital security take second place to physical security. Physical security is essential, as other measures are rendered ineffective if cyber attackers can gain physical access to your digital environment.
6. Carry Out an Evaluation of your Physical Workplace
As with most things, prevention is the best policy when it comes to workplace security. Avoid security breaches and halt intruders in their tracks with extra safety precautions. Take an inventory of your workplace assets, including your computer network, confidential files, and intellectual property. Here are some pointers to increase workplace security.
- Install locks on all doors.
- Implement badge-restricted access to office space.
- Use solidly built, fire-proof filing cabinets with locks.
- Secure all digital devices with passcodes that require regular updates.
- Revamp your digital files and tier documents based on confidentiality levels.
- Save all confidential documents in passcode-protected folders.
- Invest in a fire-proof, security-rated safe for important documents, and restrict the number of people who know the combination.
By staying vigilant and thinking ahead, you can ensure your employees, work, and physical workplace will be as safe and secure as possible.
7. Train Your Employees
An empowered workforce enhances workplace security and safety. Create a protocol that outlines best practices for workplace security in both the physical and digital areas. It should include the following.
- Visitor check-in requirements
- Instructions on how to label, save, and dispose of sensitive documents
- Guidelines related to the sharing of your intellectual property
- Guidance on reporting behavior that seems suspicious
Set up regular training sessions to review your workplace security systems and rules. Include examples of situations that resonate with your personnel and draw attention to your security policies.
Create an emergency plan if an accident or emergency (such as a fire) occurs, and train your employees on how to put it into effect. Your goal is to secure sensitive business assets, make contact with your office security provider or the police directly, and ensure the safety of all employees and visitors.
8. Use the Best Commercial Protective Services
US Protective Services, based in Cleveland, OH, keeps up-to-date with constantly evolving technology so that we can offer you the best commercial security systems, including the following.
- Access control that’s fully integrated with your security and fire systems
- Video analytics that provide insight into visitor and employee behaviors
- The latest commercial burglar and fire alarm systems
Our physical security specialists will work with you to streamline the security and safety of your workplace. Call (216) 475-8550 or email info@usprotective.net to schedule an evaluation of your workplace security.