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Biometric Security

A Complete Guide to Biometric Security Measures

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, ensuring the safety and security of sensitive information has become a top priority for commercial businesses. Traditional security measures like passwords and access cards are no longer sufficient to protect valuable assets. This is…

An Employee Stealing Cash

How to Prevent Employee Theft

There may have been a time when employee theft was simply regarded as a cost of doing business. However, in today’s more competitive commercial world, margins are tighter, and your business can’t be passive about the possibility of employees stealing…


8 Ways to Improve Security in the Workplace

You need to keep your workplace safe, and your first priority is your employees. Other security considerations are related to your facilities, technology, records, and intellectual property. Without a comprehensive security plan, your business is at risk. This article will…


What Is Building Access Control?

Keeping your commercial building safe and secure can be stressful, but installing a building access control system can help. Adding the right access control solution to your commercial building provides many benefits. In this article, we’ll take a look at…


The Best Auto Dealership Security Systems

Due to civil unrest across America, there has been an increased sensitivity to property security over the past two years. In addition, security problems have been exacerbated by many impacts of COVID-19. Security concerns are evident in the number of…